

Case I of upgrading

The main product of the company is chassis frame of truck crane. The shot blasting machine of the company has been used for nearly ten years. The equipment is aging seriously, the efficiency is low, and the effect of shot blasting is poor.

The main product of the company is chassis frame of truck crane. The shot blasting machine of the company has been used for nearly ten years. The equipment is aging seriously, the efficiency is low, and the effect of shot blasting is poor. With the increasing demand of the main engine factory for the output and quality, the frame shot blasting machine has been unable to meet the demand.

Entrusted by the company, granken company improved the quality of the shot blasting machine. After the confirmation of the original parameters of the frame shot blasting machine and the three-dimensional simulation, we carried out the secondary design, redesigned the main chamber of the shot blasting machine, and replaced the 12 shot blasting machines of the frame shot blasting machine. At the same time, the walking speed of the workpiece was doubled (3 m / min). After repeated tests and continuous adjustment, the original technical requirements were finally met, and the shot blasting effect reached SA 2.5. It is confirmed by the process quality department of the main engine plant that it fully meets the supporting technical requirements.

In the process of the shot blasting machine quality improvement project, the production task of the customer is tight, which can not affect the production. Granken company is close to the production department of the customer. According to the production order of the customer, the downtime is adjusted in time. Granken company completes the shot blasting machine quality improvement project of the frame four times, day and night, which does not affect the production of the company. The project is completed perfectly , received unanimous praise from customers.

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