



A lifting platform is a lifting machine that transports people or objects vertically. It also refers to equipment for vertical conveyance in logistics systems such as factories and automatic warehouses. Various flat conveying equipment is often installed on the lifting platform as a connection device for conveying lines of different heights. Generally driven by hydraulic pressure, it is called a hydraulic lifting platform. In addition to being transported at different heights, it is widely used in high-altitude installation and maintenance operations. The characteristics of free-lifting of the lifting platform have been widely used in municipal maintenance, docks, logistics center cargo transportation, building decoration, etc., the car chassis, battery car chassis, etc. are installed to be able to walk freely, and the working height space has also changed, with light weight and self-walking , Electric start, self-supporting legs, simple operation, large operating surface, can work over the obstacles and perform high-altitude operations such as 360-degree free rotation.

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