

Electric heating tube

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Electric heating tube

The electric heating tube is a tubular electric heating element, which is composed of a metal tube spiral resistance wire and crystalline magnesium oxide powder. Electric heating pipe products are generally made of high-quality imported stainless steel pipes, imported high-temperature magnesium oxide powder, high-quality electric heating wires and other materials, and other structural parts are made of stainless steel. They have excellent overall performance and long life, and are easy to maintain. specialty.

The high-temperature resistance wire is evenly distributed in the stainless steel seamless tube, and the crystalline magnesium oxide powder with good thermal conductivity and insulation performance is filled in the gap. The structure is not only advanced, high thermal efficiency, uniform heat generation, but when a current passes through the high-temperature resistance wire, The heat is diffused to the surface of the metal tube through the magnesium oxide powder, and then transferred to the heated part or the air to achieve the purpose of heating.

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